Global Event | Local Impact


Get Involved in community-wide volunteer opportunities.

The Annual Day of Action connects volunteers to projects in Greater Fall River for a single-day event with BIG IMPACT.

Need an extra hand (or five!) on a project? Submit your volunteer opportunity below.

Want to Get Involved? Sign up solo or with a crew below. 

Examples of Volunteer Projects

What to Expect (Besides FUN!)


Community Clean-Ups

Remove litter and debris from Greater Fall River green spaces.

Beautify Public Spaces

Clean up graffiti, mend a fence, or remove weeds from neighborhood sidewalks. 

Administrative Help

Perform data entry, organize inventory, or file documents.


If you submitted or volunteered for a project, a United Way team member will reach out to confirm details when the project is submitted/selected and leading up to the Day of Action.

Tools are Provided

No need to bring tools to your volunteer project should they be required. Anything needed to complete the task will be coordinated ahead of time and ready for when you arrive.