HiSET Certification

Jan 11, 2021

Health. Education. Financial stability.
HiSET certification is a path to success for many. Finding ways to improve each area individually can make a difference in someone’s life today, but when addressed together it can create change that lasts a lifetime.
Meet Joe.
Joe was 30 years old when he began his HiSET program at Greater Fall River RE-CREATION. In under a year, he completed all five of his tests and his scores were well above the minimum required to pass.
When Joe was a teenager, he dropped out of high school due to low self-esteem and other personal issues. He arrived at REC eager to learn, realizing he could overcome what held him back in high school. He attended class every day for nine months, determined to complete his certification. Joe is now working towards a college degree at an accredited college, focusing on psychology.
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