Filing Taxes: Not Fun, But not Hard with

by | Feb 7, 2020 | News

No one loves filing taxes, right?

But this year, its easier than ever for simple returns if you use

MyFreeTaxes is a long-standing partnership of United Way and H&R Block, which provides the software.  Anyone of any income level can file simple returns for free.  That means simple federal and up to three state tax returns–without spending any money in tax preparation fees.

So Far, MyFreeTaxes has helped 1.2 million people save $250 million in tax filing fees and brought more than $1.7 billion back in returns.

The software links you to a secure H&R Block website. It walks you through the filing process and screens for common tax deductions and credits you might be eligible for, like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or the Child Tax Credit.  That’s part of our efforts to make sure you get back every penny possible.  There is 24/7 chat help, and a helpline with real people (IRS-certified experts) who are available every day, 10am-10pm EST at 1-866-698-9435.

Other simple tax situations covered in MyFreeTaxes include: W-2 income; limited interest and dividend income reported on a 1099-INT or 1099-DIV; student education expenses, credits, or student loan interest; unemployment income; claiming the standard deduction; EITC; child tax credits; child and dependent care expenses.

Unfortunately, MyTaxFree no longer provides a free return to filers who are self-employed.  Self-employed filers will need to report all of their income and expenses on a Schedule C form, which is not included in the MyFreeTaxes software.  If you are self-employed and with to use MyFreeTaxes to file your taxes, you will only be charged $24.99 for a federal return and $18.50 for each state return (a 50% discount).

In any case, MyFreeTaxes is fast.  It’s easy.  You can do it from anywhere: your phone, tablet, or laptop.  You can start on one device and finish on another.  You can upload your W-2 form, letting MyFreeTaxes fill in all the details.

And it’s free.