Workplace Giving

Workplace Giving

originsWorkplace giving, or employee pledges, is of the utmost importance to the United Way of Greater Fall River’s campaign. Almost 50% of the funds raised each year come from weekly pledges taken out of local employee’s paychecks. This tax-deductible form of contributing is easy and painless for the generous employees who sign up, as it is deducted from their paychecks over the course of a year. If you think your donation doesn’t make a difference – think again!
Without the generous employees in the community and the supportive companies they work for, the funds allocated to the supported agencies simply wouldn’t be available.


For more information on running a company campaign and getting workplace giving started in your office, contact the United Way of Greater Fall River at:

United Way of Greater Fall River
30 Bedford Street
Post Office Box 2550
Fall River, MA 02722


“The United Way workplace campaign has been called one of the greatest social inventions in American history. Working together with employers and more than a million volunteers each year, United Way invites people to advance the common good and create opportunities for a better life for all.” –
United Way Worldwide

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